
Time limit: 120 minutes
Maximum score: 100

Данный тест создан в целях подготовки к олимпиаде и не является официальным.

Тест воспроизводит типичные задания и рассчитывается по одинаковой балльной системе. У вас будет 120 минут, чтобы закончить тест. Вам потребуется написать два эссе (обзор аудио и творческое задание). Проверка эссе в рамках этого теста НЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТСЯ, но я рекомендую в рамках 120 минут написать и сохранить оба эссе. Суммарно эссе могут дать 60 баллов из 100, это существенная часть теста.

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Task 1. Listen to the text. Decide which of the following statements 1-10 are (A) true, (B) false, or (C) there is no information in the text.

1. Some people believe that you cannot sign up for a fitness club if you are out of shape

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2. The joke about a man who lost his key proves that some experts invest in the wrong companies.

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3. Private equity investors buy companies to profit from new technology.

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4. Private equity managers fire people to make companies more efficient.

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5. The speaker’s company bases its decision making on math

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6. Having a supportive working environment gives employees a sense of security.

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7. Many employers see salaries as an expense that affects stock prices.

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8. Fast Food restaurants offer very little in terms of supporting diversity

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9. The speaker thinks that psychological safety is a condition of success that is hardly ever recognized by the general public

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10. The speaker thinks that the fourth condition of success is the most important one.

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Listen to the text again and write a paragraph based on the text you have just listened to. You should follow the structure:

• topic sentence;
• supporting arguments;
• conclusion.

You should write about 100-120 words.

ВНИМАНИЕ! ДАННЫЙ ТЕСТ НЕ ПРОВЕРЯЕТ ЭССЕ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИ. Напишите эссе и отправьте его по этой ссылке, если хотите проверить его на бесплатном пробном уроке и узнать реальные баллы. Введите значение text в поле ответа и к вашим баллам добавится 23 балла (значение для почти ИДЕАЛЬНЫХ ЭССЕ)

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VOCABULARY   Task 1: For items 1-5, think of one word that fits all three sentences.


Do you think it would be possible to get a _________ tire for my car on Sunday?

If he really believes it's hot in here  he should _________ a thought for Michael, who has to stay under the sun all day.

He will contact you as soon as he has some _________ time.

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Item 2.

Our library is placed on the _______ of the campus.

A new road goes through the old town with the gas station on one ________ and the café on the other.

This has always been my ________ of the bed.

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Item 3.

Our company manager has all the intentions to broaden our services  _______ by the end of the year.

The tigers can be very hostile during summers, so we must remain out of __________.

Stock market prices ________ from around $ 200 per share  to $ 5000  for a bulk purchase.

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Item 4.

The old house ______ was staring at us as if it was about to start crying.

You should be brave enough to ________ the consequences of your actions.

She was very serious  when she told me about her "problem", but I was trying my best to just keep a straight ___________

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Item 5.

He got a lot of _______ this weekend because of his new hunting technique.

The younger player was losing one ______ to three when the rain stopped the match.

Mary gave the ________ away by giggling every second and staring at Robert.

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Read the following text. Fill the blanks 1 - 5 with five sentences listed below. Two sentences
don’t belong in the text.  Choose the correct sentence.

Many businesses fail to understand the importance of working environment for employee job satisfaction and thus face a lot of difficulties during their work. Such organizations are internally weak therefore unable to introduce innovative products into the market to outshine their competitors. Employee is an essential component in the process of achieving the mission and vision of a business.  1 ________________ To meet the standards of organization, employees need a working environment that allows them to work freely without problems that may restrain them from performing up to the level of their full potential. The objective of this research paper is to analyse the impact of working environment on employee job satisfaction.

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Read the following text. Fill the blanks 1 - 5 with five sentences listed below. Two sentences
don’t belong in the text.  Choose the correct sentence.

According to Vroom job satisfaction is an orientation of emotions that employees possess towards role they are performing at the work place. Job Satisfaction is the essential component for employee motivation and encouragement towards better performance. 2_________________________Hoppok &Spielgler defines job satisfaction as the integrated set of psychological, physiological and environmental conditions that encourage employees to admit that they are satisfied or happy with their jobs .Further, the role of employees at workplace is emphasized as there is an influence of various elements on an employee within the organization.

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Read the following text. Fill the blanks 1 - 5 with five sentences listed below. Two sentences
don’t belong in the text.  Choose the correct sentence.

Clark argue that if employees are not satisfied with the task assigned to them, they are not certain about factors such as their rights, working conditions are unsafe, co -workers are not cooperative, supervisor is not giving them respect and they are not considered in the decision making process. This results in employees feeling separate from the organization. 3 ________________ So, it is beneficial for firms to provide flexible working environment to employees where they feel their opinions are valued and they are a part of the organization. Employee morale should be high as it will be reflected in their performance because with low morale, they will make lesser efforts to improve. The working environment consists of two broader dimensions such as work and context. Work includes all the different characteristics of the job like the way job is carried out and completed, involving the tasks like task activities training, control on one’s own job related activities, a sense of achievement from work, variety in tasks and the intrinsic value for a task. Many research papers have focused on the intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction. Results have shown that there is a positive link between work environment and intrinsic aspect of the job satisfaction. Further they described the second dimension of job satisfaction known as context comprises of the physical working conditions and the social working conditions.

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Read the following text. Fill the blanks 1 - 5 with five sentences listed below. Two sentences
don’t belong in the text.  Choose the correct sentence.

Spector observed that most businesses ignore the working environment within their organization resulting in an adverse effect on the performance of their employees. 4. ______________  He further elaborated that once employees realize that the firm considers them important, they will have high level of commitment and a sense of ownership for their organization.

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Read the following text. Fill the blanks 1 - 5 with five sentences listed below. Two sentences
don’t belong in the text.  Choose the correct sentence.

Different factors within the working environment such as wages, working hours, autonomy given to employees, organizational structure and communication between employees & management may affect job satisfaction . Arnetz argue that in organizations, can be observed that mostly employees have problems with their supervisor who is not giving them the respect they deserve. Supervisors also show harsh behaviours to employees due to which they are not comfortable to share good and innovative ideas with their supervisors. 5. ______________

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Task 5. For questions 1 - 5 complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the  first sentence, using the words given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given.


I don't think we'll miss the train if we leave home on time.

We should be able to get to the train 0 _________________ off for home on time.

We should be able to get to the train as long as we set off for home on time.

Question 1

Considering that I'm sure you'll support me, I won't worry about the rent.


Provided I _________________ support me, I won't worry about the rent.

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Question 2.

Nancy is only staying late tonight because she has to finish your application.


Nancy would not ____________________________ she had to finish your application.

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Question 3.

Lisa managed to complete her task without any help.


Lisa succeeded ______________________herself.

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Question 4.

She wasn't sure who to blame for the misunderstanding.


She couldn't tell __________________________was.

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Question 5

Some of the emigrants first saw the ocean on the day they left for America.


For some emigrants, the day they left for America was ____________________the ocean.

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Task 6. Read the article. For Questions 1 - 5 decide which word fits best the gap.

Question 1.

A great work environment can help employees be healthier, happier and more productive every single day.   It is how you will______ and keep your best talent for years to come. People don’t just go for the best pay, they go for the company that they can feel proud working for. They want to like going to work every day, they want to feel good about it, have friends there, and feel like they are moving forward with your life. A great break room can do so much for your employees’ health. It can give them the opportunity to make and bring food from home. By simply having a fridge, a microwave, toaster oven, and other easy cooking utensils can make all the difference. You cannot control how people treat each other, but you can give them guidelines. Create a strong anti-harassment policy today and have your employees review and sign it so that they know where to turn to if they have a complaint and what the consequences are. Your employees – especially the minorities – should feel safe to go to you if there is something wrong. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job. This is what will cause your top talent to leave. You don’t even need to do a lot to provide this benefit, either. Simply look internally first whenever a new position comes up.

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Question 2.

A great work environment can help employees be healthier, happier and more productive every single day.   It is how you will attract and keep your best talent for years to come. People don’t just go for the best pay, they go for the company that they can feel proud working for. They want to like going to work every day, they want to feel good about it, have friends there, and feel like they are moving forward with your life. A great break room can do so much for your employees’ health. It can give them the ____________ to make and bring food from home. By simply having a fridge, a microwave, toaster oven, and other easy cooking utensils can make all the difference. You cannot control how people treat each other, but you can give them guidelines. Create a strong anti-harassment policy today and have your employees review and sign it so that they know where to turn to if they have a complaint and what the consequences are. Your employees – especially the minorities – should feel safe to go to you if there is something wrong. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job. This is what will cause your top talent to leave. You don’t even need to do a lot to provide this benefit, either. Simply look internally first whenever a new position comes up.

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Question 3.

A great work environment can help employees be healthier, happier and more productive every single day.   It is how you will attract and keep your best talent for years to come. People don’t just go for the best pay, they go for the company that they can feel proud working for. They want to like going to work every day, they want to feel good about it, have friends there, and feel like they are moving forward with your life. A great break room can do so much for your employees’ health. It can give them the opportunity to make and bring food from home. By simply having a fridge, a microwave, toaster oven, and other easy cooking utensils can make all the difference. You cannot control how people treat each other, but you can give them __________. Create a strong anti-harassment policy today and have your employees review and sign it so that they know where to turn to if they have a complaint and what the consequences are. Your employees – especially the minorities – should feel safe to go to you if there is something wrong. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job. This is what will cause your top talent to leave. You don’t even need to do a lot to provide this benefit, either. Simply look internally first whenever a new position comes up.

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Question 4.

A great work environment can help employees be healthier, happier and more productive every single day.   It is how you will attract and keep your best talent for years to come. People don’t just go for the best pay, they go for the company that they can feel proud working for. They want to like going to work every day, they want to feel good about it, have friends there, and feel like they are moving forward with your life. A great break room can do so much for your employees’ health. It can give them the opportunity to make and bring food from home. By simply having a fridge, a microwave, toaster oven, and other easy cooking utensils can make all the difference. You cannot control how people treat each other, but you can give them guidelines. Create a strong anti-harassment policy today and have your employees review and sign it so that they know where to turn to if they have a complaint and what the ______________ are. Your employees – especially the minorities – should feel safe to go to you if there is something wrong. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job. This is what will cause your top talent to leave. You don’t even need to do a lot to provide this benefit, either. Simply look internally first whenever a new position comes up.

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Question 5.

A great work environment can help employees be healthier, happier and more productive every single day.   It is how you will attract and keep your best talent for years to come. People don’t just go for the best pay, they go for the company that they can feel proud working for. They want to like going to work every day, they want to feel good about it, have friends there, and feel like they are moving forward with your life. A great break room can do so much for your employees’ health. It can give them the opportunity to make and bring food from home. By simply having a fridge, a microwave, toaster oven, and other easy cooking utensils can make all the difference. You cannot control how people treat each other, but you can give them guidelines. Create a strong anti-harassment policy today and have your employees review and sign it so that they know where to turn to if they have a complaint and what the consequences are. Your employees – especially the minorities – should feel safe to go to you if there is something wrong. No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job. This is what will cause your top talent to leave. You don’t even need to do a lot to provide this ______________, either. Simply look internally first whenever a new position comes up.

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Task 7 (35 points). Creative writing

Now you have learned about the importance of a good work environment. Imagine that you work for a big company that does not follow the concept of a supporting work space. Write a story illustrating how the company policies have affected your life and the people around you. You must describe:

* your background the position that you have at the company;

* some examples of how bad work environment has affected you and your colleagues;

* what steps have you taken to deal with the situation;

* the impact that this job has had on your personality and your life.

You must write 200 – 250 words.

ВНИМАНИЕ! ДАННЫЙ ТЕСТ НЕ ПРОВЕРЯЕТ ЭССЕ АВТОМАТИЧЕСКИ. Напишите эссе и отправьте его по этой ссылке, если хотите проверить его на бесплатном пробном уроке и узнать реальные баллы. Введите значение text в поле ответа и к вашим баллам добавится 33 баллов (значение для почти ИДЕАЛЬНЫХ ЭССЕ).

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